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Documentation | User Guide

Add a form line - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about adding a form line.

Form Lines

Screen Name Page
Form Lines 509:15280
Type Name Details
Lov Form No. Identifies the form used by the Tax Department.
A LoV of form versions configured in the page Tax Form (509:1004).
A click on the LoV opens the Select a Form Version popup page (509:15285) for selection.
Validation Rules:
(1) Forms with no versions created are excluded from the list.
(2) Once a form version is selected, the list of corresponding lines are displayed in the bottom section. If no lines are created for this form version, then the list is empty.
Display field Tax Type The tax type associated to the form.
Automatically populated following the Form No selection.
Display field Form Title The title of the form.
Automatically populated following the Form No selection
Bottom Section
Type Name Details
Field Line Ref No. The internal number of the line, automatically created by SIGTAS once a new line is created, for reference purposes. The system refers to this line number when performing calculations.
Display only
Field Form Line No. The external line number. This line number appears on the declaration form.
Validation Rules:
Each line must have a unique Form Line No., except for Line Types ’ND’.
Field Calc Seq SIGTAS allows operating only with two variables per line. If you are setting up a calculation where you need to add, multiply or subtract more than two numbers, you need to set up more than one line. This column allows identifying the order in which the system should calculate the lines.
For example, if you want to add 2 + 4 + 3, line 1 would contain the operation 2 + 4. Then line 2 would contain the operation ‘Total of Line 1’ + 3. The calculation sequence would be 1 and 2 for each line respectively.
Manually captured
Validation Rules:
(1) This field should not be entered for Line Types other than (‘CA’,’ND’,’LL’), otherwise the error message -1250 "Line type must be "ca" or "nd" if calc. Seq. is entered" is raised
(2) Must be entered if Line Type ='ND', otherwise the error message -1269 “You must enter a Calc Seq for this line.” is raised
(3) Must be entered if Line Type ='CA' and at least one line of type ‘ND’ with the same form line number has already been created. Otherwise the error message -1269 “You must enter a Calc Seq for this line.” is raised
(4) If Line Type ='CA', then Calc Seq must be greater than Calc Seq for corresponding "ND" lines (if any), to ensure it is always calculated last in the sequence. Otherwise an error message is raised -1268 ‘Calc Seq for a "CA" line must be greater than Calc Seq for corresponding "ND" lines.’
LoV Line Type The type of the line.
A LoV is available from the page List of Line Types (509:15644)
Possible values:
EN: Entered by the taxpayer and cannot be validated
CA: Calculated value displayed as the final result of the line
ND: Non-displayed value: It can be a calculated value, such as “CA”, but not the final result. This line is part of a calculation sequence, when a calculation cannot be made in just one line
FI: The value in the line is a fixed amount
LL: The value is retrieved from the licence base table. This is used when a form is for a licence type tax to hold the fixed licence amount.
TB: The value is retrieved from a FORM_TABLE. This is used when the value entered on the form line is to be selected from a list of values (e.g. Yes/No) rather than entered as an amount.
TF: The value resulting from the execution of the Tax Function
BF: Bring From - used to call a schedule
FN: Retrieved from a function found in package VAL_GEN_VALUE_P (PTAX)
HY: Hybrid, used to call a schedule and the value from a tax function
DN: Form section
Checkbox On Assessment A selected checkbox indicates that this line is printed on the assessment notice.
Checkbox Mandatory Indicates whether this form line is mandatory or not.
LoV Line Total Type Indicates the lines for which the total is as follows:
(1) Either calculated in a particular way, by the assessment calculation package; or
(2) Used in reports
A LoV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘LINE TOTAL TYPE’.
Validation rules:
The same Line Total Type cannot be assigned to more than one form line, otherwise an error message is generated -1281 “This line total type already exists for this form version.”
Field Line Label Contains the description of the line number (displayed on the data entry form) in SIGTAS English.
If SIGTAS is printing a form, this line is printed on the respective form.
Validation rules:
Must be entered for line types (‘CA’,’EN’,’FI’,’LL’,’BF’,’HY’), otherwise the error message -1271 “You must enter a Calc Seq for this line.” is raised.
Manually captured
LoV Type 1 The type of the first argument.
A LoV is available for selection.
Possible values:
A”: “Fixed Amount”: The value in the next field, “Value 1”, is to be used as a fixed number during the calculation of this line.
“L”: “Line Reference”: The value in the next field, “Value 1”, indicates a line number (Line Ref No) to be used in the calculation.
Validation rules:
Must be entered for lines of type ('CA','ND','FI','TB'), otherwise the error message -1253 “You must choose type 1 for this line type.” is raised.
If Line Type is ‘FI’ (Fixed Amount), Type 1 should be “A”, otherwise the error message -1282 “Type 1 must be "a" for this line type.” is raised.
Should not be entered for lines of type (‘EN’,'FN'), otherwise the error message -1254 “You may not enter type 1 for this line type.” is raised.
Field Value 1 Specifies either the fixed amount or the line number to be used in the calculation, depending on the value in the Type 1 field.
If Line Type = TB (retrieved from a FORM_TABLE), a LoV is available from the page List of Form Table Columns (509:16620) for selection.
Validation Rules:
Must be entered for lines of type ('CA','ND','FI','TB'), otherwise the error message -1255 “You must enter value 1 for this line type.” is raised.
Should not be entered for lines of type (‘EN’,'FN'), otherwise the error message -1256 “You may not enter value 1 for this line type.” is raised.
Field Operator The operator that is used between the values.
A LoV is available from the page List of Form Operators (509:16610) for selection.
Validation Rules:
Must be entered for lines of type 'CA' or 'ND', otherwise the error message -1260 “You must choose an operator for this line.” is raised
Should not be entered for lines of type (‘EN’,’FI’,'FN'), otherwise the error message -1259 “You may not enter an operator for this line.” is raised.
LoV Type 2 The type of the second argument.
A LoV is available for selection.
Possible values:
“A”: “Fixed Amount”: The value in the next field, “Value 1”, is to be used as a fixed number during the calculation of this line.
L”: “Line Reference”: The value in the next field, “Value 1”, indicates a line number (Line Ref No) to be used in the calculation.
Validation Rules:
Must be entered if the Operator is binary and Line Type is 'CA' or 'ND', otherwise the error message -1261 “You must enter type 2 for this line.” is raised.
Should not be entered for: lines of type (‘EN’,’FI’,'FN') or if the Operator is not binary and Line Type is 'CA' or 'ND'.
Otherwise the error message -1262 “You may not enter type 2 for this line.” is raised.
Field Value 2 Specifies either the fixed amount or the line number to be used in the calculation, depending on the value in the Type 2 field.
Validation Rules:
Must be entered if the Operator is binary and Line Type is 'CA' or 'ND', otherwise the error message -1264 “You must enter value 2 for this line.” is raised.
Should not be entered for: lines of type (‘EN’,’FI’,'FN') or if the Operator is not binary and Line Type is 'CA' or 'ND'.
Otherwise the error message -1265 “You may not enter value 2 for this line.” is raised
Icon Bring From This field is available only for form lines of type ‘BF’ (Bring From - used to call a schedule) or ‘HY’ (Hybrid, used to call a schedule and the value from a tax function), allowing the user to define the exact location of the cell in the “Tax Schedule”. When this configuration is applied, during the assessment calculation, the value of the cell is brought to the line.
By default, this field is empty.
Clicking the icon opens the Bring Value From configuration pop-up window (509:15287). This pop-up is used to set up the configuration of the cell that will be brought from a schedule to this form line (see details below).
When the pop-up is opened from Form Lines screen, only the Schedule tab is available for configuration.
Field Bring From Displays the name of the schedule configured in the previous Bring from field.
Display only
Field Bring From Version Displayed the version of the schedule configured in the previous Bring from field.
Display only
Icon Algorithm Variable Used to define the Algorithm rate code (tax rate scale) to be used in the Mass Valuation.
The icon is available only for form lines of type ‘FN’ (Retrieved from a function found in package VAL_GEN_VALUE_P (PTAX)).
By default, this field is empty.
Clicking the icon in this field opens the Select an Algorithm Variable pop-up window (509:15289 for selection.
If an Algorithm Variable is selected, the code is automatically displayed in the second Algorithm variable field.
Field Algorithm variable Displays the algorithm rate code selected in the previous Algorithm Variable field.
Display only
Field Tax Function Specifies the Tax Function that will be executed during the assessment process calculation and the resulting value will be returned as the form line value.
A LoV is available from the page List of Tax Functions (509:7025) for selection.
This field is available only for form lines of type ‘TF’ (The value resulting from the execution of the Tax Function) or ‘HY’ (Hybrid, used to call a schedule and the value from a tax function)
Empty by default.
Field Tax Function Version Displays the version of the tax function selected in the Tax Function field.
Display only
Checkbox Mandatory eFiling If checked, then the corresponding form line is mandatory for the eFiling application.
Checkbox Print on Remittance If checked, then the corresponding form line is printed on the remittance
Default value: checked
Checkbox Aplly Currency Rate Flag to indicate if the configured rate is to be applied during the calculation of the assessment.
Default value: checked
Button Import From Another Version On click on this button, the system validates whether the user has a form selected.
(1) If no form version has been selected, the user receives the error message -09429 “You must be in the context of a form to export lines”.
(2) If a form version is selected, then the popup Select a Version to import (509:15282) is opened displaying a list of all the form versions created in the page Tax Form (509:1004) for selection.
Validation rules:
If no assessment is linked to the current form, the user is informed about the number of form lines found in the imported version and also receives a confirmation message: -9434: “%1 items have been found. Warning: the current lines will be deleted. Do you want to load these lines?” (%1: number of lines found in the imported form version.)
Clicking “Yes”, the system deletes the current lines and inserts the new ones.
Clicking “No”, the following message is displayed: -9431 “Operation aborted”
If at least an assessment is linked to the selected form-version, then an error message is raised -9430: “You cannot replace these lines, an assessment already exists”.
Button Import from a File On click on this button, the system validates whether the user has a form selected.
(1) If no form version has been selected, the user receives the error message -09429 “You must be in the context of a form to export lines”.
(2) If a form version is selected, the system opens the page Import From a File (509:15286) allowing to open a browser of the user’s computer by clicking on the Choose File button. This allows searching for the required “xml” file.
Validation rules:
(1) If the file to be imported is not a valid “xml” file, then an error message is raised -20134 “Invalid XML”
(2) If at least an assessment is linked to the selected form-version, then an error message is raised -9430: “You cannot replace these lines, an assessment already exists”.
Button Export to a File A click on this button saves the form version currently displayed as an “xml” file. The user can later import the form data contained in the “xml” file to a different tax form on the same database or another database.
If no form version has been selected, the user receives the error message -09429 “You must be in the context of a form to export lines”.
Button Reset Clears entries and resets the page.
Button Refresh Refreshes the list of form lines according to the applied selection criteria
Button Add Line Creates an empty line allowing the user to enter the new form line information
Button Delete Line Deletes a selected form line and all its eventual associated label translations.
Validation Rules:
Cannot delete a line if dependent Assessment Lines exist.
A line cannot be deleted if it is referenced by a calculation elsewhere in this version.
This button is activated only after selecting a form line.
Button Manage Description This button is activated only after selecting a form line.
A click on this button opens the Dictionary pop-up window (509:50002) showing the list of translations of the Line Label in the languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509:3030).
Clicking on the Create button or the icon redirects the user to the popup Translation (509:50001 - see details below) to add /modify/delete a translation.
Button Save Saves:
Entered information of new form lines.
Changes to existing ones.
Validation Rules:
The same combination of Form Line No and Calc seq should not be entered more than once, otherwise an error message is raise -1276 “Form Line No. / Calc Seq combination already exists for this version.”
You must have a "CA" line for each set of "ND" lines' otherwise an error message is raised -1284.
Not more than one line of type ‘LL’ can be created.
If Line Type is ‘BF’, then a schedule should be selected in the Bring From field, otherwise an error message is raised -20126 “A schedule must be configured to use this line type. No tax function is allowed.”
If Line Type is ‘HY’, then Bring From and Tax Function fields should have some value, otherwise an error message is raised -20125 “You must configure a schedule and a tax function to use this line type.”
If Mandatory flag is checked then On Assessment flag must be checked as well, otherwise an error message is raised -9707 “A mandatory line should be displayed in the assessment, please check "On Assessment" or uncheck "Mandatory".”
If Line Total Type has the value “Ltt_firstyeardeclare” and either Mandatory is checked or On Assessment is checked or Mandatory eFiling is checked, then an error message is raised -9717 “Ltt_firstyeardeclare is used to identify the first year of liability of the taxpayer, it should be hidden on the assessment notice and not mandatory for calculation.”
There must be one and only line with a line total type "Total Tax To Pay" in the form.
Bring Value Form pop-up window
Type Name Details
LoV Schedule Name A LoV of schedules configured in the page Tax Schedule (509:15791).
A click on the LoV opens the Select a Schedule popup page (509:15288) to select a schedule name and a version.
Only schedules "Available to be linked" can be selected, otherwise an error message “Already linked to another form/schedule” is raised.
Display Field Schedule version The version of the selected schedule
Checkbox Result If selected, then only the column can be selected in the Cell Position block to bring the information of a Result field. In this case, the value calculated in the Result field will be returned (for the selected column and schedule.)
LoV Column Displays the list of available columns previously defined in the page Tax Schedule (509:15791).
LoV Line Displays the list of available lines previously defined in the page Tax Schedule (509:15791).
LoV Cell Total Type Displays the list of predefined cell total types available for the selected tax schedule and version.
The Cell Position fields (Column and Line) and the Cell Total Type are mutually exclusive; either the Cell Position fields or the Cell Total Type field must be entered but never both at the same time.
A LoV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘CELL_TOTAL_TYPE’.
Checkbox Use Schedule Value When calculating the assessment, if this column value is checked, it will use the calculated value of the associated schedule, if not, it will use the value entered by the operator.
Button Save Saves the attached schedule, closes the popup window. The selected schedule name is automatically displayed in the second Bring From field of the page Form Lines (509:15280)
Validation rules:
Only one version of schedule is allowed per form version.
Cell position fields (Column, Line) or Cell total type must be entered.
If the schedule is not correctly configured an error message is raised –20130 “The schedule contains cell not configured. please contact your administrator.”
If Result is checked then Column must have some value, otherwise an error message is raised -7120 “Column must be entered”
If Result is unchecked and layout type of the schedule is "Fixed # of Lines", then both Cell position fields (Column and Line) must be entered otherwise the error message -7120 is raised.
Schedules of type "Variable # of Lines" can only be used when Result is checked, otherwise an error message is raised -9615 “You cannot enter a cell position when result is unchecked, and the layout type of the schedule version is variable # of lines”.
Translation pop-up window
Type Name Details
LoV Language A LoV of languages defined by the rule 88 « LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY » in the page General Rules (509 :3030)
Validation rules:
A language can be selected only once, otherwise an error message is raised -10089 "This "translation" already exists. please enter a unique value."
Field Description A free text allowing the user to enter a description for the Line Label in the selected language.