Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Tax Roll

The following tables list the cross-references between the data configured in the Administration value tables and the Tax Roll module pages.


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Display Taxpayers 501:9000 Taxpayer Type Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:16040

Non-Individual Taxpayers

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Address 501:2012 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2012 Countries Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2012 Regions Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Value Base Tables/Taxable Objects 509:2120
Add Bank 501:2012 Bank Name Base Tables/Payment/Banks 509:16100
Add Bank 501:2012 Branch Name Base Tables/Payment/Branches 509:16100
Add Employee 501:2011 Occupation Base Tables/Tax Roll/Individuals 509:12004
Add Business 501:2012 Business Acticity Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Activity 509:16862
Add Establishment 501:2001 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Establishment 501:2001 Counrty Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Establishment 501:2001 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Establishment 501:2001 Business Activities Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Activity 509:16862
Add General Information 501:2012 Enterprise Type Base Tables/Taxpayer Infor/Enterprise 509: 6810
Add General Information 501:2012 Preferred Language Base Tables/Internal Info/Language 509:15030
Add Representative 501:2012 Representation Reason Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060
Add Representative 501:2012 Representative Type Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000

Individual Taxpayers

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Address 501:2014 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2014 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2014 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Asset 501:4002 Value Base Tables/Taxable Objects 509:2120
Add Asset 501:4002 Motor Vehicle/Manufacturer Taxable Objects 509:2120
Add Asset 501:4002 Motor Vehicle/Model Tables de base/Objets imposables 509:2120
Add Asset 501:4002 Motor VehicleSerial No Tables de base/Objets imposables 509:2120
Add Bank 501 2014 Bank Name Base Tables/Payment/Banks 509:16100
Add Bank 501 2014 Branch Name Base Tables/Payment/Banks 509:16100
Add Business Activity 501:2014 Business Activity Base Tables/Tax Roll 509:4000
Add Country of Birth 501:2014 Country of Birth Base Tables/Tax Roll 509:4000
Add Language 501:2014 Language Base Tables/Internal Info 509:15030
Add Ocupation 501:2014 Occupationn Base Tables/Tax Roll 509:12004
Add Representative 501:2014 Occuption Base Tables/Tax Roll 509:12004
Add Representative 501:2014 Representative Type Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060
Add Representative 501:2014 Representative Reason Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15070
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Motor Vehicule/Manifacturer Base Tables/Taxable objects 509:2120
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Motor Vehicule/Model Base Tables/Taxable objects 509:2120
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Motor Vehicule/Serial No Base Tables/Taxable objects 509:2120
Maintain Taxpayer Assets 501:4002 Property values Base Tables/Taxable objects 509:2120
Add Business Activity to Individual Enterprise 501:2004 Business Activity Base Tables/Tax Roll 509:16682
Add Address to Individual Enterprise 501:2004 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address to Individual Enterprise 501:2004 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address to Individual Enterprise 501:2004 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000

TIN Request

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Enrol Individual 501:7002 Language Base Tables/Internal Affair 509:15030
Enrol Individual 501:7002 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Individual 501:7002 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Individual 501:7002 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Non-Individual 501:7003 Language Base Tables/Internal Affairs 509:15030
Enrol Non-Individual 501:7003 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Non-Individual 501:7003 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Non-Individual 501:7003 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Enrol Non-Individual 501:7003 Enterprise Type Base Tables/ Enterprise Info 509:16810
Manage TIN Request 501:7001 Taxpayer Type Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:16040

Unregistered Individuals

SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Add Address 501:2013 City Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2013 Country Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Address 501:2013 Region Base Tables/Tax Roll/Address Information 509:4000
Add Individual Title 501:2013 Individual Title Base Tables/ Taxpayer Info 509:16840


SIGTAS Functionality SIGTAS Page SIGTAS Field ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page
Report - Multiple Enterprise Establishment 501:8006 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Divisions 509:3070
Report - Verif Report. Turnover (VAT and IR / IS) 501:8001 Tax Division Base Tables/Internal Affairs/Tax Divisions 509:3070