Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide


SIGTAS is an integrated suite of modules that automates the administration of all taxes and licenses using a single comprehensive information system. SIGTAS is composed of more than twenty modules and a hundred functionalities.

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In SIGTAS, the left section displays the menus and links to access the module. It is always available to the user. The right section, on the other hand, allows the user to interact within the modules. Access to the different pages is always the same: the user selects the module and selects the menu or sub-menu. Regardless of the module, a click on the functionality opens an interactive page allowing the user to display the items according to the criteria he has determined. Some pages allow you to enter the information at the first click, while for other pages, the user must click buttons or icons to create or add content.

Some menus also contain sections which are available depending on the role assigned to the user. For example, when registering a tax account and if his role allows it, the user may have to add a period of inactivity or a taxable object.

The introductory page of the module presents its main characteristics and displays hyperlinks allowing direct access to the desired functionality. For example, the step-by step page of the Tax Roll module presents the specific steps associated with the registration of a taxpayer and lists all the modules' functionalities. A simple mouse click gives you access to the related guide segment.

Moreover, a section is reserved to generate and print interactive reports.

The following sections provide an overview of SIGTAS. They deal with, among other things, the procedures for logging in and out, the home page as well as the organization of menus and navigation. The procedures described below are general and apply equally to all modules of SIGTAS.

The guides cover all the modules and functionalities available in SIGTAS, regardless of the environment in which they were implemented. Consequently, the user can only use the information relevant to him.

Reports in SIGTAS

SIGTAS provides the user with a large number of reports. They can be generated (1) in a traditional way, i.e., using the Print button or (2) via the interactive mode and customized according to the user's needs and criteria previously selected. To learn how to generate and print interactive reports, click the following link: Reports