Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Other Cross References

The following tables list the cross-references between the data configured in the Administration value tables and the SIGTAS sections that are not associated with a particular page or functionality.

Section - Operations


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Assessment Notice Report Operations/Forms 509:16630 Assessment Module
Form Lines Operations/Forms 509:15280 Assessment Module
Form Operators Operations/Forms 509:16610 Assessment Module
Form Parameters Operations/Forms 509:15283 Assessment Module
Form Table Columns Operations/Forms 509:16620 Assessment Module
Remittance Notice Reports Operations/Forms 509:15600 Assessment Module
Tax Schedule Operations/Forms 509:15790 Assessment Module

Penalty/Interest Calculation

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Opening Arrears Penalty/Interest Calculation Summary Operations/Penalty/Interest Calculation 509:15540 Tax Account Module
Reverse Penalty/Interest Operations/Penalty/Interest/Calculation 509:15740 Tax Account Module

Penalty/Ineterst Setup

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Create Penalty Types Operations/Penalty/Interest Setup 509:15090 Assessment and Tax Account Modules

Tax Functions

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Tax Functions Operations 509:7025 FInancial Statements Module
Section - Rules/Configuration

Bank Interface Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Bank Interface Rules Rules/Configuration 509:15690 Interface Module

General Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
General Rules Rules/Configuration 509:3030 Assessment, Audit, Cashing, Collection, Docs and Files, Interface, Tax Account and Tax Roll Modules

Task Type

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Job Types Rules/Configuration 509:15170 Assessment and Tax Account Modules

Letters and Reminders

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Print Blank Letter Rules/Configuration/Letters 509:15550 Letters and Reminders Module
Reminder Sequences Rules/Configuration/Letters 509:15580 Letters and Reminders Module

Public Holidays

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Public Holidays Rules/ Configuration 509:15130 Assessment module

VAT Rules

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
VAT Rules Rules/Configuration 509:15130 Assessment Module

Section - Base Tables


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
ASTER Code Base Tables/Assessment 509:15750 Cashing Module
Project Types Base Tables/Assessment 509:4012 Assement Module
Tax Rates for Exonerated or Suspended Taxes Base Tables/Assessment 509:7014 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Audit Steps Base Tables/Audit 509:16020 Audit Module
Audit Types Base Tables/Audit 509:16010 Audit Module

Balance Sheet

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Balance Sheet Element Types Base Tables/Balance Sheet 509:8051 Financial Statements Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
CDD Status Base Tables/Cashing 509:7007 Cashing and Refund Modules
Periods of Accounting Exercice Base Tables/Cashing 509:7005 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Risk Classifications Base Tables/ Collection 509:1600 Collection Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Application Form Types Base Tables/Document 509:15340 Tax Roll Module
ID Types Base Tables/Document 509:15310 Tax Roll Module
Letters and Reminders Layout Base Tables/Document 509:15120 Collection and Letters and Reminders Modules
Letter Variables Base Tables/Document 509:16410 Letters and Reminders Module

Family Divider

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Family Divider Scales Base Tables/Family Divider 509:16850 Assessment and Tax Roll Modules
Family Divider Values Base Tables/Family Divider 509:15290 Assessment and Tax Roll Modules


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Installment Rates Base Tables/Installments 509:15670 Assessment Module

Internal Affairs

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Directions Base tables/Internal Affairs 509:15810 Tax Account and Tax Roll Modules
Government Fiscal Years Base tables/Internal Affairs 509:15890 Assessment Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Change of Base License Base Tables/Licenses 509:7008 Assessment ane Tax Account Modules
Rate Classes Base Tables/Licenses 509:15430 Assessment ane Tax Account Modules

Misc. Base Tables

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Element Types Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:16700 Assessment Module
Fiscal Regimes Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:16500 Tax Roll Module
Insurance Companies Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:2130 Weapon Module
Reasons Base Tables/Misc. Base Tables 509:2040 Cashing and Refund Modules

Motor Vehicles

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Motor Vehicle Body Types Base Tables/Motor Vehicles 509:6010 Motor Vehicle Module


ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Denomination Base Tables/Payment 509:16100 Cashing Module
Transaction Statuses Base Tables/Payment 509:16820 Cashing and Tax Account Modules
Transaction Types Base Tables/Payment 509:12012 Tax Account Module
Treasury Regonal Offices Base Tables/Payment 509:15200 Cashing Module

Property Tax

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Cadastral Structures Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2028 Property Tax Module
Cadastral Structrures Levels Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2026 Property Tax Module
Property Values Automatic Calculation Rates Base Tables/Property Tax 509:2035 Property Tax Module
Reference Codes Base Tables/Property Tax 509:7009 Property Tax Module

Tax Account

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Unit/Sector Base Tables Tax Account 509:2023 Tax Account Module

Tax Agent

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Representative Reasons Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15070 Tax Roll Module
Representative Types Base Tables/Tax Agent 509:15060 Tax Roll Module

Tax Roll

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Registration Location Base Tables/Tax Roll/Individuals 509:7002 Tax Roll Module
TIN Application Fields Base Tables/Tax Roll/individuals 509:7016 Tax Roll Module
Trade Types Base Tables/Tax Roll/Enterprises 509:7011 Tax Roll Module

Taxpayer Info

ADMIN List of Values ADMIN Configuration ADMIN Page References
Enterprise Activity Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16862 Tax Roll Module
Enterprise Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16810 Tax Roll Module
Individual Titles Base Tables/Taxpayer Personal Info 509:16840 Tax Roll Module
Judicial Forms Base Tables/Taxpayer Info/Enterprise Info 509:16800 Tax Roll Module
Request Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15100 Tax Roll Module
Taxpayer Types Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15000 Tax Roll Module
TIN Application Setup Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:15300 Tax Roll Module
VAT Taxpayer Type Base Tables/Taxpayer Info 509:16040 Tax Roll Module