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Documentation | User Guide

Import Data rules - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about import data rules.

List of Import Data Rules

Screen Name Page
List of Import Data Rules 509-15630
Type Name Details
Display Field No. The order in which the component appears when TIN is generated.
Display Field Import Data Type Type of the imported data.
Display Field Start Date The date on which the specified rule becomes applicable.
Display Field End Date The date on which the specified rule is no longer applicable, if any.
Display Field Separator The separator between 2 fields.
Display Field Date Format Indicates the format of the date in the data file records sent by the external entity.
Display Field Commit Every N Recs Indicates the number of records after which a commit is launched when inserting in the temporary load table. If the value is zero, then commit at the end of the load, or else commit after each group of N records, where N is the value entered for the rule (e.g. 1000, 5000, etc.)
Display Field Data Source Type Contains the source from which data will be loaded.
Display Field Import Path Type If the files are on the SIGTAS server, select Server Side. If the files are on the client’s hard disk, choose Client Side.
Display Field File Path Indicates where the files are located.
Display Field Allow Immediate Assessment If selected, SIGTAS validates the status of the check box Against Tax Account in the screen Tax Type (509:1001).
If the check box Against Tax Account is selected, then the TIN is mandatory;
If the check box Against Tax Account is not selected, then TIN is not mandatory;
If not selected, then the TIN is always mandatory.
If the selection in the field Import Data Type is “Bank Payments”, the check boxes Allow Immediate Assessment, Reload Allowed, VLDT with Header and Multicurrency are enabled by default.
However, the user may select or deselect them.
Display Field Reload Allowed A selected check box indicates that a duplicate file may be reloaded multiple times. This is applicable to “Text Files”.
Display Field Vldt With Header If selected, then the data file loaded in the temporary table should contain a header. In this case the following two validations are done:
The number of records must correspond to the Sequence field in the header. Else, the records are rejected, and no data is transferred to the temporary table;
The sum of the Amount field of all the records must correspond to the Amount field in the header. Else, the records are rejected, and no data is transferred into the temporary table.
Display Field Multicurrency Allows the user to enable multiple currencies, normally in the Bank Interface Module.
When selected, the multiple currencies are enabled, and the fields Currency and Exchange Rate of the transactions sent by the external entity are mandatory. The amount transferred to the taxpayer’s tax account is calculated by multiplying the value of the Amount field by the value of the Exchange Rate field and is displayed in the National Currency Amount field.
If not selected, multiple currencies are not enabled. The fields Currency and Exchange Rate are not mandatory.
Display Field Comment Contains additional information on the import rule
Button Create A click on this button opens the popup window Import Data Rule allowing to add a new rule.

Import Data Rule pop-up window

Screen Name Page
Import Data Rules
Type Name Details
List of values import Data type Type of the imported data.
A LOV is available for selection.
Field Start Date The date on which the specified rule becomes applicable.
Date picker
Validation rules:
Start date of current record must be greater than end date of the former inactive period.
Field End Date The date on which the specified rule is no longer applicable, if any.
Validation rules:
Start date must be earlier than end date.
Field Separator The separator between 2 fields.
Field Date Format A free text to enter the Format of the date fields in the data file records entity.
Validation rules:
If invalid date format an error message is raised -800 “Please enter a valid date format. E.g. DDMMYYYY.”
Field Commit Every N Recs Indicates the number of records after which a commit is launched when inserting in the temporary load table.
If the value is zero, then commit at the end of the load, else commit after each group of N records, where N is the value entered for the rule (e.g. 1000, 5000, etc.).
LOV Data Source Type Contains the source from which data will be loaded.
A LOV with predefined values is available, namely: Table, Text File.
LOV Import Path Type If the files are on the SIGTAS server, select Server Side. If the files are on the client’s hard disk, choose Client Side.
A LOV is available.
Possible values:
Client side
Server Side
Enabled and mandatory only if Data Source Type is “Text File”
Field File Path Indicates where the files are located.
Enabled and mandatory only if Data Source Type is “Text File” and Import Path Type is “Server Side”. Otherwise it is disabled.
Checkbox Allow Immediate Assessment If selected, SIGTAS validates the status of the check box Against Tax Account in the screen Tax Type (509:1001).
If the check box Against Tax Account is selected, then the TIN is mandatory;
If the check box Against Tax Account is not selected, then TIN is not mandatory.
If not selected, then the TIN is always mandatory.
If the selection in the field Import Data Type is “Bank Payments”, the check boxes Allow Immediate Assessment, Reload Allowed, VLDT with Header and Multicurrency are enabled by default. However, the user may select or deselect them.
Checkbox Reload Allowed A selected check box indicates that a duplicate file may be reloaded multiple times. This is applicable to “Text Files”.
Checkbox Vldt With Header If selected, then the data file loaded in the temporary table should contain a header. In this case the following two validations are done:
The number of records must correspond to the Sequence field in the header. Else, the records are rejected, and no data is transferred to the temporary table;
The sum of the Amount field of all the records must correspond to the Amount field in the header. Else, the records are rejected, and no data is transferred into the temporary table.
Checkbox Multicurrency Allows the user to enable multiple currencies, normally in the Bank Interface Module.
When selected, the multiple currencies are enabled, and the fields Currency and Exchange Rate of the transactions sent by the external entity are mandatory.
The amount transferred to the taxpayer’s tax account is calculated by multiplying the value of the Amount field by the value of the Exchange Rate field and is displayed in the National Currency Amount field.
If not selected, multiple currencies are not enabled. The fields Currency and Exchange Rate are not mandatory.
Field Comment A free text to enter additional information on the import rule.
Button Delete Deletes a rule.
Available only while consulting an existing rule.
Button Save Saves the rule information, closes the popup window Import Data Rule (509:15631) and redirects the user to the page Import Data Rules (509:15630) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Button Save and create Saves the rule information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture a new rule.