Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create a public holiday - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about creating a public holiday.

List of Public Holidays

Screen Name Page
List of Public Holidays 509:15130
Type Name Details
Field Year The year for which the public holidays are captured. A list of values displays the years already captured
Display Field Date The dates that are public holidays.
Display Field Description Describes the public holidays for a given year, in English.
Button Create A click on this button redirects the user to the Public Holiday page (509:15131) allowing the user to add new public holidays.

Public Holiday pop-up window

Screen Name Page
Public Holiday
Type Name Details
Field Date Specifies the date that is a public holiday.
Date picker.
Field Description Describes the public holidays for a given year, in English.
A click on the planet icon redirects the user to the page Translations (509 :50000).
Button Save Saves the holiday information, closes the popup window Public Holiday (509:15131) and redirects the user to the page Public Holidays (509:15130) which will be refreshed with the new holiday.
Validation rules:
Date should be unique, otherwise an error message is raised -1296 “Row exists already with same date.”
Button Save&Create Saves the holiday information, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to capture new holidays.
Validation rules:
Date should be unique, otherwise an error message is raised -1296 “Row exists already with same date.”
Button Delete Deletes a holiday.
Available only while consulting an existing holiday.