Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Add a bank statement

This part of the guide explains how to create a bank statement and associate a bank transaction.

Once the statement has been confirmed and saved, the status of the statement is In Progress and a number is associated to the new statement.

Step 1 - Go to the page List of Bank Statements

  1. Go to the module Interface;
  2. Open the Bank menu;
  3. Select the List of Bank Statements menu. This action opens the page List of Bank Statements (508:2010);

Step 2 - Create a bank statement

  1. Click the Create button. This action opens the Bank Statement No (508:2011);

  1. Fill the mandatory fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Bank Statement Date, Bank Statement, etc.;
  2. Fill other fields as needed;
  3. Click the Save button. This action confirms tat the bank statement was added and displays the section Transactions, allowing to associate transactions to the statement.

Step 3 - Associate transactions to a bank statement

  1. Go to the section Transactions;
  2. Click the Create button. This action opens the Bank Transaction;

  1. Fill the mandatory fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Payment Date, Amount, etc.;
  2. Fill other fields as needed;
  3. Click the Save button. This action confirms that a transaction is added to the bank statement and updates the pages Bank Statement No. (508:2011) and List of Bank Statements (508:2010).