Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Enrol an individual taxpayer

This part of the guide explains how to enrol an individual taxpayer, link identification documents and add a photo.

Once the enrolment completed, SIGTAS allocates a unique number to the TIN application. This new enrolment is displayed on the page Manage TIN Request (501:7001), waiting to be validated and approved. The status of the request is displayed as Open during the individual enrolment.

Step 1- Go to the page Enrol individual

  1. Go to the Tax Roll module;
  2. Choose the TIN Request option;
  3. Click the Enrol Individual menu. This action opens the Enrol Individual page (501:7002);

Step 2 - Enter the taxpayer information

  1. Go to the Taxpayer Information section;
  2. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Last Name, First Name, etc.;

Step 3- Add an address

  1. Go to the Address section;
  2. Tick Resident, as applicable;
  3. Choose the National Address option;
  4. Click the Edit button. This action opens the pop-up window Address;
  5. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, Country, Region, etc.;
  6. Click the Save button. This action confirms the addition of the address to the individual taxpayer and updates the Enrol Individual page (501:7002);

To add an international address, if necessary:

  1. Select the International Address option;
  2. Click the Edit button. This action opens the pop-up window Address (for international address);
  3. Enter the address in the field International Address;
  4. Click the Save button. This action confirms the addition of the international address to the individual taxpayer and updates the Enrol Individual page (501:7002);

Step 4- Add an identification document

  1. Go to Identification Documents (IDs) section;
  2. Click the Create button. This action opens the pop-up window Identification Document;
  3. Using the drop-down list, choose the ID Type. This action opens the pop-up window Select ID Type;
  4. Click on the desired ID Type. If necessary, this operation can be repeated to add a second document. This action opens the pop-up window Identification Document;
  5. Fill out the required fields (identified by a red asterisk *). For example, ID Doc No., Issuance Date, etc.;
  6. Click the Save button. This action adds the new documents to the list in the Identification Documents section and updates the Enrol Individual page (501:7002);

Step 5 - Add a photo

  1. Go to the Photo section;
  2. Click the Edit button. This action opens the pop-up window File to Upload;
  3. Click on the button to upload and choose your file;
  4. Click the Load button. This action uploads the photo;