Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Translating in SIGTAS

SIGTAS provides the administrator with a dictionary containing all the terms and expressions used in its application. It also includes locally implemented translations in the jurisdictions served by SIGTAS. By default, SIGTAS displays the terms and expressions of SIGTAS in English, the official language of many English-speaking countries. All translations made by SIGTAS are done in the Administration module.

However, for some regions, the local terminology is customary and therefore more understandable for the majority of the population. This is the case of the ENGLISH option offered by SIGTAS. The SIGTAS dictionary makes it possible to translate an expression commonly used by the local government. Thus, the same logic applies to local English and any other available language. This is to satisfy the linguistic needs of our clientele.

Translations are done using the fields ENGLISH (LOCAL), FRENCH and DUTCH. Once translated, the term or phrase will be displayed in that language. No translation is allowed in the field SIGTAS FRENCH, since it constitutes SIGTAS main dictionary. The application offers two translation options to the SIGTAS administrator. The first is to translate directly using the SIGTAS Dictionary page (509:15130) and the second in the Translations popup window available in the various menus (a dynamic icon indicates that a translation is possible).

To know how to translate in SIGTAS, click on the desired link.