Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Payment Agreement Module

The table below describes the authorized activities in the Payment Agreement module.

For more information on how to assign roles to a user and associate activities with a role, click on the following links: Assign a role to a user and Assign an activity to a role.

The 11 activities allowed in the Payment Agreement module are as follows:

Activity No Activity Action Access Authorized Activity
1. Access to Payment Agreement module (512) See Home menu of the Payment Agreement module 1.
1.1 Approve payment agreements Specific Menu Payment Agreement - Maintain Payment Agreement page (512:2002) 1.1 + 1 .
1.1.1 Change payment agreement status Specific Menu Payment Agreement - Maintain Payment Agreement page (512:2002) 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1.
1.2 Calculate payment agreements Specific Menu Functionalities - Calculate Payment Agreement - Calculate Payment Agreement page (512:2001) 1.2 + 1.
1.3 Create a job of payment agreement reminders Manage Menu Document in Batch - Payment Agreement Reminder - List of Jobs - Payment Agreement Reminders page (512:3003)/Menu Document in Batch - Payment Agreement Reminder - Payment Agreement Reminders in Batch page (512:2004) 1.3 + 1.
1.4 See jobs of payment agreement reminders submitted by user See Menu Document in Batch - Payment Agreement Reminder - List of Jobs - Payment Agreement Reminders page (512:3003) 1.4 + 1
1.4.1 See jobs of payment agreement reminders submitted in the user's tax division See Menu Document in Batch - Payment Agreement Reminder - List of Jobs - Payment Agreement Reminders page (512:3003) 1.4.1 + 1.4 + 1. See jobs of payment agreement reminders submitted in any tax division See Menu Document in Batch - Payment Agreement Reminder - List of Jobs - Payment Agreement Reminders page (512:3003) + 1.4.1 + 1.4 + 1.
1.5 See payment agreements issued by the user See Menu Payment Agreements - List of Payment Agreements page (512:3001) 1.5 + 1.
1.5.1 See payment agreements issued in user's tax division See Menu Payment Agreements - List of Payment Agreements page (512:3001) 1.5.1 + 1.5 + 1. See payment agreements issued in any tax division See Menu Payment Agreements - List of Payment Agreements page (512:3001) + 1.5.1 + 1.5 + 1.