Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

About allowed activities in SIGTAS

The activities authorized in SIGTAS can vary from one module to the other and depending on the assigned roles, the user can perform various actions. For example, he can displays the list of assessments, add a period of inactivity, change a representative or print a report. The number of activities allowed to a user will depend on his allocated role.

The more permissions the user has, the more activity he will be able to perform. In addition, before assigning activities to a user, the SIGTAS administrator must first allocate a role. For more information on this functionality, click on the following links: Assign a role to a user and Assign an activity to a role.

In SIGTAS, the management of activities is hierarchical, meaning that some activities might have precedence over others. In order to simplify the interpretation of the hierarchical logic, each activity is numbered horizontally and the hierarchical levels are numbered vertically. For example:

  • Vertical numbering indicates which activity takes precedence over the other. For example, 1.1.1 will take precedence over 1.1 and so on (activities are identified horizontally);
  • Horizontal numbering indicates activity levels. A user will have access to level 1 but not necessarily level 2 and vice versa (levels are shown vertically).

For example, in the Tax Account module, the Manage tax accounts statement in batch (1.1.1) activity allows the user to manage statements of accounts in batch. Since it underlies the activity See and print tax acounts statements in batch (1.1), the user can not only manage statements of account in batch, but is also authorized to view and print the statements in batch he has selected. By default, the activity 1.3 gives access to level 1, but not necessarily to levels 1.1 and 1.2. However, a user can have access to multiple levels of activity. For example, in the Assessment module, a user can create installment notices (1.3), manage building tenants (1.5), and update assessments (1.7). On the other hand, the activity of approving a reassessment (1.2) may be denied. This logic applies the same way in all modules.

The following table details the types of actions allowed in SIGTAS.

Action Description
Capture Allow to register information. This button is only available to users entitled to this operation and displays in certain modules.
Manage Allow to perform a number of operations such as create, edit, print, delete, save, reset, refresh, access details via hyperlinks and edit icons. These actions are general and can be found in all SIGTAS modules.
See View the selected pages.
Specific Some actions (approve, cancel, add, reverse, assign, borrow files, etc.) are specific and customized depending on the type of operation to be performed. For example, in the Tax account module, the activity Approve inactivity period cases is specific to the period of inactivity. Similarly, in the Cashing module, the Reverse payments activity is specific to this action. These buttons define the type of action to be performed (cancel, reverse, add, calculate, etc.). Like the Capture action, these operations are only available to authorized users. They are assigned on a case-by-case basis and are added to the more general Manage and See operations.

To access the SIGTAS modules activities, click on the desired link.