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Documentation | User Guide

Create Tax Divisions - Configuration Details

This page displays the configuration details about creating tax divisions.

List of Tax Divisions

Screen name Page
List of Tax Divisions 509-3070
Type Name Details
Display Field Tax Division Indicates the tax division.
Display only.
Display Field Tax Division Code Indicates the code of the tax division.
Display only.
Display Field Phone No. Indicates the phone number of the tax division.
Display only.
Display Field NFax No. Indicates the fax number of the tax division.
Display only.
Display Field Parent Tax Division indicates the parent of the tax division.
Display only.
Display Field Tax Division Level Indicates the level of the tax division.
Display only.
Display Fielde Tax Division is on line Displays status of the tax division.
Yes = Tax Division is deployed.
No = Tax Division is not deployed.
Display only.
Button Create This allows to add a new tax division in SIGTAS.
A click on this burron open the page Tax Division (509:3072) allowing to add new tax division.
Button Edit Icon A click on this icon open the Tax Division page (509:3072) and displays informatiomn on the tax division, allows user to view details of the tax division and to update the or delete a tax division.

Tax Division

Screen Name Page
Tax Division 509-3072
Type Name Details
Field Tax Division Indicates the tax division.
A click on the dynamic icon redirects the user to the Translations page (509: 50000) to add / modify the translation of the request type in the languages defined by rule 88 “LANGUAGES_TO_DISPLAY” in the General Rules page (509: 3030 ).
Validation rules:
The name of the tax center must be unique. Otherwise the error message - 9899is displayed "This field must be unique".
Default value: Empty.
Manually captured.
Field Tax Division Code Indicates the tax division code.
Validation rules:
The tax division code must be unique. Otherwise the error message - 9899 is displayed "This field must be unique".
Default value: Null.
Manually captured.
When the type of component used for the generation of taxpayer TIN is "User Tax Division" (in the Specific Specifications page (BT53)), the field is mandatory.
Numeric field Tax Division Level Indicates the tax division level in the hierarchy of registered tax division.
Validation rules:
(1) The level must be an integer greater than zero.
(2) The tax division level must be higher than the parent tax division level. Otherwise, the error message - 6974 is displayed "The level of the tax division must be higher than the level of the parent tax division".
Default value: Null.
Field Parent Tax Division Indicates the name of the tax division that acts as the parent of this center.
A LOV is available. A click on the LOV redirects the user to the Select a tax center (514:9000) page displaying the list of tax division, the level of which is immediately below the center level, according to a hierarchical tree. If no center has been entered, the grid is empty.
Default value: Null.
Field Tax Division Taxpayer Type Indicates the type of taxpayer managed by the tax division.
Available values:
List of types of taxpayers registered in the page Standard Basic Tables (509:6000) with Name of the table = 'TAX DIVISION TAXPAYER TYPE'.
Default value: Null.
Field Default Collection Location Indicates the tax division that will be used by default as the collection and collection location for the tax accounts associated with this center.
Available values :
List of tax centers registered as collection and collection locations (PEC - Supported check box selected) on the Collection center page (509:16131).
Default value: Null.
Numeric field Phone No Indicates the phone number of the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Numeric field Fax No Indicates the fax number of the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Field Income/Turnover From Indicates the minimum income/turnover of taxpayers assigned to the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Validation rules:
(1) The number must be equal to or greater than zero.
(2) This figure must be lower than the figure in the Income/Turnover field From. Otherwise, the error message - 6974 is displayed “Income / Turnover of must be greater than To.”
Field To Indicates the maximum income/turnover of taxpayers assigned to the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Validation rules:
(1) The number must be equal to or greater than zero.
(2) This figure must be higher than the figure in the Income/ Turnover From. Otherwise, the error message - 6974 is displayed "At must be greater than Income/Turnover From."
Checkbox Tax Division is Online Indicates whether the tax devision is deployed or not.
Default value: Unchecked.
Validation rules:
(1) If checked, indicates that the tax division has been deployed, that is to say that the tax division is in operation. (2) If unchecked, the tax division is not yet deployed.
This chec box is for information only and has no impact on other pages.
Field Email Indicates the email address of the tax division. This email is used in the eTax application to allow the user to send supporting documents for their declarations online.
Default value: Null.
Validation rules:
This field must be entered in accordance with the standard format of an e-mail address. The value must include the @ sign and the period in the appropriate places. Otherwise, the error message - 20114is displayed "Invalid format for email, check and re-enter this field"
Address Section
Type Name Details
Field Address Indicates the national address of the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Button Edit Clicking this button redirects the user to the Address page (509:2010) to add an address to the tax division or modify an existing address.

Images Section - Logo

Type Name Details
Image Logo Displays the tax division logo.
Default value: Null.
Button Edit This button takes you to the File To Upload (509:3074) page allowing you to upload the logo of a tax division.
Default value: Null.
Button Delete Deletes a logo from a tax division.
Validation rules:
If no logo is selected, this button is not available.

Images Section - Seal

Type Name Details
Image Seal Displays the seal of the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Button Edit This button gives access to the page File to Upload (509:3074) allowing to upload the tax division seal.
Default value: Null.
Button Delete Deletes the seal of a tax division.
Validation ruless:
If no seal is selected, this button is not available.

Images Section - Signature

Type Name Details
Image Electronic signature Indicates the electronic signature of the tax division.
Default value: Null.
Field Signature Indicates the name of the tax agent to whom the signature of the tax division belongs.
Default value: Null.
Field Position of signature Indicates the position occupied by the tax agent to whom the signature of the division belongs.
Default value: Null.
Button Edit This button gives access to the page File To Upload (509:3074) allowing to upload the tax divisoin seal.
Default value: Null.
Button Delete Deletes the seal of a tax division.
Validation rules:
If no seal is selected, this button is not available.
Button Save Allows you to register a tax division.
Validation rules:
(1) When the user clicks on the button, SIGTAS validates if all the required values are entered. If this is not the case, one or more error messages are displayed.
(2) When all the validations are successful, the tax division is registered.
The button is available when registering a tax division.
Button Save and create Allows you to register several tax divisions, one after the other.
When the button is clicked, the current tax division is saved (as indicated in the Save button). Throughthereafter, the page continues to be displayed with the empty fields allowing the user to register a new tax center.
The button is available when registering a tax center.
Button Delete Deletes the current record.
Validation rules:
(1) If the current tax division is has been assigned as the parent for another tax division then the error message - 30218is displayed "The tax center cannot be deleted, because this information is used for the parent tax center."
(2) If the current tax division has been assigned as the collection and collection division for tax accounts, then the error message - 9866is displayed "You cannot delete this tax center, because it is already in use."
The button is not available when registering a new tax division.