Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Link an imposition base to a tax type - Configuration details

This page displays configuration details about linking an imposition base to a tax type.

Imposition Base / Tax Type

Screen Name Page
Imposition Base/Tax Type 509:2074
Type Name Details
LoV Tax Type The tax type to which the imposition base will be assigned.
A LoV is available from the List of Tax Types (509:2231) screen.
LoV Imposition Base Contains the base on which the selected tax type is evaluated.
A LoV is available from the List of Imposition Bases (509:2044) page.
Checkbox Has Installment? A selected check box signifies that this tax type is payable in instalments.
Button Save Saves the association between the imposition base and the tax type, closes the popup window Imposition Base/Tax Type (509:2074) and redirects the user to the page Imposition Base/Tax Type (509:2072) which will be refreshed with the new line.
Validation rules:
(1) It is not possible to associate the same tax type with an imposition base more than once.
(2) It is not possible to modify an imposition base used in a tax account or a tax period, otherwise an error message is raised -9194 “This imposition base is already used by a tax account. It cannot be updated or deleted”
Button Save&Create Saves the association between the imposition base and the tax type, keeps the user on the same window and clear all fields in order to be able to create new associations.
Button Delete Displayed only while updating an existing record.
Validation rules:
An imposition base cannot be detached from a Tax Type if used by a tax account or a tax period of that tax type.