Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Create Specific Rules - Configuration Details

This page displays configuration details about creating specific rules.

Specific Rules

Screen Name Page
Specific Rules 509:2230
Type Name Details
Field Country Name The name of the country.
Manually captured.
Validation rules:
The Tax type should be unique, otherwise, an error message is generated - 2275 “A record already exists with the same tax type description”.
Field Organisation Name The Tax Administration name.
Manually captured.
Specific Rules - Default tab
Type Name Details
Field Country Coat of Arms Filename and Location Location (path) of the coat of arms to show in official documents, such as remittance forms, assessment notices, etc.
Manually captured.
Checkbox Use TIN Application Feature A selected check box indicates that the TIN allocation has to go through the TIN Application process.
Field Default Country Name The name of the country by default. A LOV is available for selection.
This field provides the default value for the Country of Issuance field of the Maintain Individual (501:2014) screen.
Checkbox External TIN Allowed If checked, then an external TIN can be used in the Manage TIN Request (501:7001) to manually enroll a taxpayer.
If unchecked, the TIN will be generated automatically.
Field Default Nationality Nationality by default.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘NATIONALITY’.
This field provides the default value for the Nationality field of the Maintain Individual (501:2014) screen.
Field Use Fiscal No. A selected check box indicates that fiscal number will be entered or generated by the system.
A LOV is available from the page List of tax Divisions (509:3070) for selection.»
Checkbox Biometric Enrolment If selected, the biometric enrolment is used.
Available only if Use TIN Application Feature flag is checked, otherwise it is disabled and unchecked.
Field Default Language Language by default.
A LOV is available from the page List of Languages (509:15030) for selection.
Checkbox Use VAT Registration Module Not used in SIGTAS 3.
Checkbox Translate all Free Text A selected check box indicates that the free text fields must be manually translated.
Checkbox VAT Allowed for Individuals with no Active Enterprises It indicates whether a VAT account is allowed or not for an individual taxpayer with no active individual enterprises.
Not used in SIGTAS 3.
Field Default Fiscal Year Start Indicates the default start date (day and month) of the fiscal year.<br /A valid date should be entered (day<= 31, month<=12)<br /If the date turns in 29-02, it should be changed to 28-02 to be applied to all years.
Field Default Fiscal Year End Indicates the default end date (day and month) of the fiscal year.
Display only.
Field Minimum Allowed External TIN Not used in SIGTAS 3.
Field Maximum Allowed External TIN Not used in SIGTAS 3.
Checkbox Different Fiscal Years Allowed for Individuals Indicates whether Individuals can define their own fiscal years.
Checked by default.
Checkbox Different Fiscal Years Allowed for Non-individuals Indicates whether Non-Individuals can define their own fiscal years.
Checked by default.
LOV Move Due Date Specifies when the calculation will be start if a date (declaration, payment, or penalty/Interest) falls on a holiday or weekend.
Clicking on this field displays a list of values configured in the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘MOVE VALID DATE’.
Image Logo Allows the user to select an image from a specific folder and save it as the logo of the printed documents. If an image has already been saved, it will be replaced by the new one after saving.
Button Edit A click on this button opens the popup window File To Upload (509:2234) allowing to open the user’s computer browser by clicking on the Choose File button. This allows searching and loading the required file.
Image TIN Certificate Logo Allows the user to select an image from a specific folder and saves it as the Logo of the printed TIN certificate. If an image has already been saved, it will be replaced by the new one after saving.
Button Edit A click on this button opens the popup window File To Upload (509:2234) allowing to open the user’s computer browser by clicking on the Choose File button. This allows searching and loading the required file.
Specific Rules - Assessment tab
Type Name Details
Field Assessment Minimum Limit Represents the minimum amount difference between the tax to pay as declared by the taxpayer and the amount calculated by SIGTAS beyond which the assessment is included in the “List of Assessments with Large Calculation Differences (AS54R2) “ report.
Manually captured.
Default Value: 0.
Field (%) Assessment Minimum %.
Represents the minimum percentage difference between the tax to pay as declared by the taxpayer and the amount calculated by SIGTAS beyond which the assessment is included in the List of Assessments with Large Calculation Differences (AS54R2) report.
Manually captured.
Default Value: 0.
Field Assessment Write-Off Amount From The lower bound of a range of amounts that can be written off automatically by the SIGTAS Calculation program. For example, if this field is set to -5.00 and the Assessment Write-Off Amount To field is set to +5.00, then all the amounts between, or equal to, -5 and +5 will be written offf.
Positive amounts control write-off of amounts owed to the taxpayer. Negative amounts control write-off of amounts owed by the taxpayer to the Tax Department.
This field ensures that the small amounts owed to the taxpayer are not refunded, and the small amounts owed by the taxpayer are not charged.
Manually captured.
Field At Assessment Write-Off Amount At.The upper bound of a range of amounts that can be written off automatically by the SIGTAS Calculation program.
Manually captured
Field Interest not imposed below this amount It is used to the specify the minimum tax balance due below which the interest is not charged. Used to avoid very small interest charges.
Manually captured.
Default value: 0.
Field Penalty not imposed below this amount It is used to the specify the minimum tax balance due below which the penalty is not charged. Used to avoid very small penalty charges.
Manually captured.
Default value: 0.
Checkbox Interest Based on Date If checked, then the monthly penalty and interest charges will be calculated based on the date of the first penalty charge, rather than being on the 1st of the month.
For example, if the first charge is on the 16th of the month, then the next charge is on the 16th of the next month rather than on the first of the next month.
Checkbox Manage Loss by Tax Account (inst of taxpayer/tax type) If selected, the loss logic is based on tax account and not on the taxpayer/tax type. This approach avoids problems in case two accounts of the same tax type are simultaneously opened for the same taxpayer in two different tax divisions.
Checkbox Charge Penalty and Interest at the same time Flagging this checkbox indicates the penalty and the interest are charged at the same time.
Otherwise, penalty is charged for a period and interest is charged after that period has ended.
Checkbox Print Interest in Document Flagging this checkbox indicates that the interest is printed on the remittance forms, reminders, assessment notices and account statements.
Checkbox Print duplicate Assessment Notice A selected check box indicates that duplicate assessment notices should be printed when assessment notices are printed.
Field PAYE Transfer Year For periods after this date, when entered, all P.A.Y.E. employee detail transactions are created when the employer sends the employee P.A.Y.E. withheld tax payments details.
If this field is blank or if the P.A.Y.E. transactions are for periods before this date, the amount declared by the user in the Personal Income Tax form is used as the tax withheld.
Manually captured.
Checkbox Pay Debts Using Credits First If checked, debts will be paid by first using up all available credit amounts.
Once no more credit exists, any available payment amounts will be used.
If unchecked, then payment amounts will be used first, followed by credit amounts.'
Checked by default.
Field Tax Payable Calculation Difference Limit When the calculated “total tax to pay” amount and the amount submitted by the taxpayer differ by this amount or less, the system will use the amount submitted by the taxpayer.
Checkbox Fixed Calendar Month Flagging this checkbox indicates the penalty or/and Interest are charged on a fixed calendar month basis.
If not, the Gregorian calendar is effective to calculate the penalty and interest.
Validation rules:
(1) If unchecked and Days in Regular Month is not null, then message is generated - 5141 ‘A value is entered in "days in regular month", please check "fixed calendar month". (2) If checked and Days in Regular Month is null, then message is generated - 5140 ‘ "Fixed Calendar Month" is checked, please enter a value in "Days in Regular Month". (3) If unchecked and Days in Last Month is not null, then message is generated - 5142 ‘ "Fixed Calendar Month" is not checked, "Days in Last Month" should not be entered.’
Field Days in Regular Month The number of days in the month, when FIXED_CALENDAR_MONTH_FL is checked.
Field Days in Last Month The number of days in the last month of the year, when FIXED_CALENDAR_MONTH_FL is checked
Checkbox Reassessment Reverses All Previous Penalties/Interests Flagging this checkbox indicates the penalty or/and Interest are charged before reassessment are waved.
The reassessment filing due date is the current date plus the value entered in the field Reassessment Grace Period (Days).
Field Reassessment Grace Period (Days) Allows the user to enter the number of days before penalty or/and interest are charged on reassessment.
Checkbox Print Separate Receipt If selected, the payment receipt is printed separately from the payment document.
Field Number of Remittance Copies Indicates the number of copies of remittance forms to print.
Checkbox Automatically Generate Batch Number If checked, then when creating a batch, the batch number will be generated automatically instead of having the user enter it.
Field Multicurrency Start Date Allows entering the start date of the multicurrency feature in the system.
By default, the field is “Null” and enabled.
Once captured, the following warning message is displayed: “This field cannot be updated once it has been saved. Are you sure you entered the correct information?” If the user answers “Yes” the information is saved, else if the answer is “No”, the field is reset to NULL.vOnce saved, this field can no longer be updated.
Checkbox Allow Estimated Assessments based on a Previous Period If selected, estimated assessments can be based on previous assessment lines.
Checked by default.
Checkbox Inst. Doc. Header Only (Y/N) If selected, the instalment notice, and instalment reminder will be printed with headers only.
Checkbox Print Inst. Doc. with zero amount (Y/N) If selected, the instalment notice, and instalment reminder will be printed even if the instalment amount is zero.
Specific Rules - Docs/Files tab
Type Name Details
Field SIGTAS Document No Length (including any check digit This field indicates the length of the document number that SIGTAS would generate, including check-digits, if any.
Specific Rules - Cashing tab
Type Name Details
Checkbox Allow Automatic Distribution of Payments If selected, payments will automatically be distributed to penalty and interest during the assessment. If not selected, payments are accepted as entered against tax, penalty and interest.
Checked by default.
Checkbox Distribute Payments by Period First If selected, all charges (tax, penalty and interest) for one period will be paid off before considering the next period (starting with the oldest period). If not selected, all charges of one type (tax or penalty or interest) are paid off first, irrespective of the period, before charges of the next type are considered.
Checked by default.
LOV Order for Distribution Indicates the order in which payments (of tax, penalty and interest) are to be distributed.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION ORDER’.
Checkbox Allow Payment of Multiple Tax Periods with One Document If checked, users can capture a payment in Capture Payment (507:2001) using one document and distribute it, so the payment covers several tax periods.
This check box specifically refers to documents that are linked to one period/assessment, i.e. remittances, assessment notices, etc. Documents that are designed to distribute payments over multiple periods, such as account statements, arrears distribution reports, are not affected by this check box.
This check box cannot be unchecked while Allow Payment of Multiple Tax Types with One Document flag is checked. Trying to deselect it, the system raises the following warning message "This Allow payment of multiple tax types within document flag cannot be checked if the Allow payment of multiple tax periods with one document flag is not checked."
Checkbox Allow Payment of Multiple Tax Types with One Document A selected indicates whether users can capture a payment in Capture Payment (507:2001) screen using one document and distribute it for covering payments of several tax types.
This check box cannot be selected if the check box Allow Payment of Multiple Tax Periods with one Document is deselected.
Checkbox Print Receipt for Payments If selected, then the Print Receipt button in the Capture Payment (507:2001) screen is activated.
If deselected, then the button deactivated.
Field Exchange Rate Write-Off Amount from / At These two fields are used to automatically write-off any payment transaction impacted by a correction of an exchange rate.
This means that the Tax Administration waives any additional debt (or credit) amount which falls within the amount range defined by these fields.Automatic write-off will occur if:
(1) The increase in credit/overpayment is between the “from” (normally a negative amount) and zero (e.g. if the credit amount is higher, in absolute value, than the lower threshold, it will not be written-off). A lower threshold = 0 means that no credits will be waived.
(2) The increase in liability is between zero and the “At” value (e.g. any increase higher than the higher threshold will not be written-off). A higher threshold = 0 means that no liabilities will be waived.
Validation rules:
(1) Exchange Rate Write-Off Amount from should be less than At.
(2) If At is not null, then from must be entered.

Cashing tab - Determination of Payment Location section

Type Name Details
Radio Button Default Payment Location Determination of the payment location:
(1) Fixed value: If selected, the payment location is always set to the fixed value specified in the adjacent field.
(2) Set to User's PL or Value Indicated by Bank Interface: If selected (default value), the payment location is set as follows:
(a) If the payment is manually captured using the screen Capture Payment (507:2001), the payment location will be the same as the user’s payment location set up in the screen List of Users (509:2002).
(b) If the payment is captured in SIGTAS using the Bank Interface, then the payment location will be read directly from the imported file or data.
(3) Set to Tax Account's/Assessment's Collection Location: If selected, the payment location is set as follows:
(a) If the payment is posted to a tax account, the field Payment Location is automatically set to the value that is saved for the tax account in the screen Tax Account (503:2001) in the field Collection Location.
(b) If the payment is not posted to a tax account, for example, in the case of stamp duty, then the payment location is linked to the collection location of the assessment to which the payment is being made.
LOV Fixed Payment Location Represents the fix value for the payment location if the option button ‘Fixed Value’ is selected.
An LOV is available from the List of Payment Locations (509:16130).
This field is active and mandatory only if the option button Fixed Value is selected. Otherwise, this field is “Null” and inactive.
Specific Rules - Audit tab
Type Name Details
Checkbox Block Taxpayer-Revised Reassessments after Audit Reassessments A selected check box will be used to block reassessments in certain circumstances.
Specific Rules - Other tab

Other section

Type Name Details
Field Minimum Amount for Installment Charge The minimum amount of tax owing in the last year before instalments start being required in the subsequent year.
Manually captured.
Default value: 0.
Field Spouse Minimum Age The minimum age a spouse can be.
Manually captured.
Checkbox Batch Check Comparison Date If selected, the Reception Date of the remittance must be the same as the Batch Created Date. If not selected, the two dates can be different.
Checkbox Remittance Check Ready to Assess If selected, the batch cannot be calculated unless it has the “Ready to Assess” status
Checkbox Document Number Starts with Letter If selected, document numbers must start with a letter, the user can select this check box to manually force the entered document numbers to begin with a character between A and Z
Checkbox Document No Enabled If selected, the Document (510:2001) screen will allow entering a document number. If not selected, SIGTAS will automatically generate the document number.
Checked by default.
Field File by Tax Type Accepted values: 1, 2, 3.
Currently not used.
Manually captured.
Checkbox Use Property Tax for Property Lease Defines if the property tax module is used when working with lease properties.
Field Max Days Document can be Borrowed Specifies the maximum number of days for borrowing a document.
Manually captured.
Field Reassessment Letter Type Number Currently not used.

Payment Agreement section

Type Name Details
LOV Letter No of Initial Letter The number of the letter to print when printing the payment agreement notice for the initial payment (“goodwill” payment).
A LOV is available from the page List Letters and Reminders (509:15680). Only letters of type “PAYMENT AGREEMENT” are displayed.
LOV Letter No (First Garnish Payment) The number of the letter in case of an initial payment withheld on salary.
A LOV is available from the page List Letters and Reminders (509:15680). Only letters of type “AGENCY NOTICE” are displayed.
LOV Letter No of Periodic Letter The number of the letter to print when printing a regular payment agreement notice.
A LOV is available from the page List Letters and Reminders (509:15680). Only letters of type “PAYMENT AGREEMENT” are displayed.
LOV Letter No (Periodic Garnish Payment) The number of the letter in case of a periodic payment withheld on salary.
A LOV is available from the page List Letters and Reminders (509:15680). Only letters of type “AGENCY NOTICE” are displayed.
Field Initial Payment Should be Greater Than (%) Identifies the percentage of initial payment allowed for payment agreement (value between 0 and 100%).
Manually captured.
Default value: 0.
Field Nbr of Periods Allowed Before Applying Interest The number of months scheduled in a payment agreement to apply interest (more then 12 months the interest must be calculated, otherwise interest must not be calculated.
Manually captured.

Refund section

Type Name Details
LOV Refund Paid Via Cheque Indicates whether refunds are handled by means of refund vouchers or refund cheques.
If selected, cheque information must be entered when authorizing a refund.
Refund Paid Via Cheque and Create Refund Voucher Automatically flags cannot be checked at the same.
LOV Create Refund Voucher Automatically TIndicates whether the refund voucher is created automatically or that the voucher or cheque is created external to SIGTAS, in which case the number must be entered into SIGTAS'.
Checked by default.
Refund Paid Via Cheque and Create Refund Voucher Automatically flags cannot be checked at the same.

Others section

Type Name Details
Field Transfer TIN Path Client’s location where the rejected file of the conversion from the TIN system will be created.
Manually captured.
Field Utl File Dir Location (on the server) where the rejected file of the conversion from the interim system will be created.
Manually captured.
Field Attachment Default Directory for Scan The directory by default where the documents that should be scanned will be saved.
Manually captured.
Field Separator Identifies the separator to be used in the access path structure. It is in accordance with the operating system.
Manually captured.
Field Attachment Default Directory for View Defines the structure by default of the directory where the files that are attached to a document are located.
Manually captured.
Field Default Directory for Documents The directory by default where SIGTAS documents will be automatically saved.
Manually captured.
Field Prefix ASTER File Contains the prefix of the file created for the ASTER interface.
Currently not used.
Manually captured.
Specific Rules - TIN Generation tab
Type Name Details
Display Field Sequence The order in which the component appears in the generation of TIN.
Display Field Field Length The length of the sequence.
Display Field Component Type Type of component for the sequence.
Display Field Value The last character of the TIN.
Button Create By clicking this button, the user receives a confirmation message: - 7769: “Any change in the components for the TIN generation could generate a TIN already existing. Do you want to continue?”.
Clicking “Yes”, the system opens the popup window TIN Component (509:2233) allowing to add a new TIN component.
Clicking “No”, the operation is cancelled.
Button Save Saves the changes and keeps the window open.
Validation rules:
(1) Exchange Rate Write-Off Amount from should be less than At.
(2) If At is not null, then Exchange Rate Write-Off Amount from must be entered.
(3) If Days in Regular Month is not null while Fixed Calendar Month flag is not checked an error message is raise - 5141 ‘A value is entered in "Days in Regular Month", please check "Fixed Calendar Month".
(4) If Days in Last Month is not null while Fixed Calendar Month flag is not checked an error message is raise - 5142 ‘If Fixed Calendar Month is not checked, Days in Last Month should not be entered.
(5) If Fixed Calendar Month flag is checked, then Days in Regular Month should contain some value, otherwise an error message is raised - 5140 ‘"Fixed Calendar Month" is checked, please enter a value in "Days in Regular Month".
(6) If Refund Paid Via Cheque and Create Refund Voucher Automatically flags are both checked, then an error message is raised - 6022 “Voucher created automatically only when refund is paid via voucher”.
(7) If Fixed value payment location radio button is selected, and Fixed Payment Location field is null then an error message is raised - 1980 “Please enter a payment location.”
Button Cancel Closes the window without saving
TIN Components popup window
Type Name Details
Number Field Sequence A unique number to determine the order in which the component appears in the generation of TIN.
Manually captured.
Number Field Field Lenght The length of the sequence (numerical value).
Manually captured.
LOV Component Type Type of component for the sequence.
A LOV is available from the page Standard Base Tables (509:6000) with Table Name = ‘TYPE_COMP_TIN”.
Once a component type is associated to a TIN component, it is removed from the list.
Field Value The last character of the TIN.
Validation rules:
(1) If component type is “Check Digit”, then a LOV is available for selection.
(2) If component type is “Fixed Value”, then Value field is manually captured.
(3) Otherwise it is disabled and reset to null.
Button Delete Deletes a TIN component.
Available only while consulting an existing TIN component.
Button Save Saves the changes and keeps the window open.
Validation rules:
If component type is “Check Digit”, then Component Length should be equal to 1. Otherwise an error message is raised - 9822 “The field length for a check digit must be 1.”
If Component type is “Tax Roll Year”, then Component Length should be equal to 4. Otherwise an error message is raised - 9822 “The maximum length for this field is 4 characters”.
The total length of a TIN must be lower than or equal to 20.