Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Interactive reports

As the name implies, the interactive report allows the user to match and organize data according to the sorting options and filters he has previously selected. As a result, the selection criteria available in SIGTAS are used to generate multiple report versions. The user can not only choose the report format and display the desired number of columns, but he can also configure his own parameters and save the results in CSV, HTML or PDF formats.

In summary,

  • The search is carried out using the magnifying glass and / or a text field;
  • The Action button allows, among other things, to add filters, to choose the format and to download the interactive report;
  • The columns display the applicable criteria via sorting. They can also display hyperlinks to access other pages.

The following sections describe the procedures for viewing and printing an interactive report. These procedures are identical for all modules. Finally, since they are personalized, the data obtained depends on the search criteria and the selected format.

Access interactive reports

The following example explains how to display an interactive report.

  1. Go to the Home page and choose the desired module. In the example below, the user has selected the Audit module;
  2. Click on the Reports option. This action displays multiple reports;
  3. Click on the desired report. This action opens the selected report. In the example below, the user has chosen the report Summary of Audits (505:2090);
  4. Go to the Selection Criteria;
  5. Complete the appropriate and / or mandatory fields (identified with a red star *);
  6. Click the Refresh button. This action refreshes your report and displays the details in the lower section. In the example below, the report displays the details of the Summary of Audits section.
View report data

Before producing your report, you can first determine the data that will be displayed in each of the constituent columns. To view your report data using the magnifying glass search icon:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass, use the drop-down list and choose the title of your columns or;
  2. Enter the item in the text field (for example, Taxpayer Enterprise Type, Number of Cases, etc.);
  3. Click on the Go button. This action executes the query and displays the data according to the chosen criteria;

To view the data using the Actions button:

  1. Click the Actions button;
  2. Choose the option Select Columns. This action opens the pop-up window Select Columns;
  3. Use the arrows to move the title of the columns from left to right or vice versa. You can choose as many columns as you need;
  4. Click the Apply button. This action displays the data of the selected columns.
Customize your report

SIGTAS gives you several options to customize your report. You can use filters, determine the number of rows per page, or format your report by sorting, etc. To access the customized functionalities provided by SIGTAS, click on the desired link.