Documentation | User Guide

Documentation | User Guide

Tax Roll Module

The table below describes the authorized activities in the Tax Roll module

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The 24 activities allowed in the Tax Roll module are as follows:

Activity No Activity Action Access Authorized Activity
1. Access to Tax Roll module (501) See Home menu of the Tax Roll module 1.
1.1 See taxpayer information (including TIN requests) See Menu TIN Request - page Enroll Individual (501:7002)/Menu Taxpayers - page Individual (501:2014 )/Menu Taxpayers - page List of Taxpayers (501:9000)/Menu Unregistered Individuals - page List of Unregistered Individuals (501:2013)/Menu TIN Requests - Enroll Non-Individual - page Enroll Non-Individual (501:7003) 1.1 + 1.
1.1.1 Manage taxpayers Manage Menu Taxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014)/Menu Taxpayers - page Non-Individuals (501:2012)/Menu Unregistered Individuals - page List of Unregistered Individuals (501:2013) 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Block a refund Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Fiscal Information (501:2006) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Allow to be assigned as an agent for a TIN Specific MenuTaxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Register a taxpayer on deactivated list Specific Menu Taxpayers - page individuals (501:2014)/Menu Taxpayers - page Non-Individuals (501:2012) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Modify closing date/reason or deceased date Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Allow to upload photos for taxpayers Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1. Allow to take photos for taxpayers Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014) + 1.1.1 + 1.1 + 1.
1.2 See TIN Request for taxpayer See Menu TIN Request - Enroll Individual (501:7002)/Menu TIN Request - Enroll Non-Individual (501:7003)/Menu TIN Request - TIN request - page Manage TIN Request (501:7001) 1.2 + 1.
1.2.1 Register a taxpayer Capture Menu Taxpayers - page Enterprise (501:2012)/Menu Taxpayers - page List of taxpayers (501:9000)/Menu Unregistered Individuals - page Unregistered Individuals (501: 2013)/Menu Taxpayers - page Individual Enterprises(501: 2004) 1.2.1 + 1.2 + 1. Check potential duplicates Specific Menu TIN Request - TIN Request - page Compare Individuals (501:7005) 1.2.1 + 1.2 + 1. Approve TIN requests Specific Menu TIN Request - Enroll Individual - page Enrol Individual (501:7002) + 1.2.1 + 1.2 + 1. Bypass Automatic Tax Division Designation Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individuals (501:2014)/Menu Taxpayers - page Enterprise (501:2012) + 1.2.1 + 1.2 + 1. Allow to upload photos for TIN request Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individual (501:2014) 1.2 .1.4 + 1.2.1 + 1.2 + 1. Allow to take picture for TIN requests Specific Menu Taxpayers - page Individual (501:2014) + 1.2.1 + 1.1 + 1.
1.3 See certificate requests and certificates See Menu Certificate - Certificates - page List of Certificates (501:3003)/Menu Certificate - Certificate Requests - page List of Certificate Requests (501:3001) 1.3 + 1.
1.3.1 Manage certificate requests Manage Menu Certificate - Certificate Requests - page List of Certificate Requests (501:3001) 1.3.1 + 1.3 + 1. Bypass Reject Certificate Applications Specific Menu Certificate - Certificate Requests - page List of Certificate Requests (501:3001) + 1.3.1 + 1.3 + 1.
1.3.2 Print certificates and rejection notices Manage Menu Certificate - Certificates - page List of Certificates (501:3003) 1.3.2 + 1.3 + 1
1.3.3 Revoque certificates Specific Menu Certificate -Certificates - page List of Certificates (501:3003) 1.3 .3 + 1.3 + 1.
1.3.4 Reprint Certificates Specific Menu Certificate - Certificates - page List of Certificates (501:3003)/Menu Certificate - Certificate Requests - page List of Certificate Requests (501:3001) 1.3.4 + 1.3 + 1.
1.4 See taxpayer statistics in user's tax division See Menu Statistics - Taxpayer Statistics - page Taxpayer Statistics (501:10000) 1.4 + 1.
1.4.1 See taxpayer statistics in all tax divisions See MenuStatistics - Taxpayer Statistics - page Taxpayer Statistics (501:10000) 1.4.1 + 1.4 + 1.